AIBI (American Indian Bible Institute) was established as a Bible training organization to develop Godly leaders who are equipped to train others to: REACH | TEACH | TRAIN | SEND
AIBI developed a variety of training aids and materials to assist in Biblical church development. AIBI worked with many tribes, focusing on Biblical principles rather than contemporary methods of church development. The materials have proven to work effectively in many different cultures and among many different ethnic groups in both urban and rural settings.
American Indian Bible Institute was established in Los Angeles CA in 1966 by a group of individuals from First American Indian Church who saw a need for a Bible training organization "where we can be trained to reach our own people for Christ." The Bible Institute chose the key verse 2 Timothy 2:2, "And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." Bible Institute classes were held in the local American Indian churches as well as in the homes of individuals.
Over the years, in addition to offering regular Bible Institute classes in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, the Lord led the board to develop a number of other ministries to assist in the training of leaders on reservations and in urban areas in several states. Some of those included: a tape ministry, an extension training program, leadership training seminars in various locations of the United States and Canada, and a variety of written Bible and leadership training manuals. In 1999, many of those Bible and leadership training materials were put on-line for easier access by former staff and students. The Lord took the media of the internet and expanded the ministry to individuals in over 140 different countries. Free computer CDs containing the materials available on the website have been sent to over 70 different countries. In 2013, the AIBI board requested the organization of what is now known as "Serve and Equip" to provide the opportunity for this aspect of the AIBI outreach to continue to expand as the Lord allows.
At the request of the AIBI board, and in response to the growing opportunity through AIBI Resources, Serve and Equip was formed to continue the expansion of these resources in a global context. In May of 2014, the board of Serve and Equip (S&E) met for the first time to establish its purpose statement which is: " proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and glorify God by helping develop and equip Godly reproducing Christians and churches through the teaching of God's Word, providing of Bible training resources and serving and assisting Christians to become effective disciple makers in accordance with the teachings in God's Word, the Bible".
This purpose will be fulfilled by equipping Christians, churches and Bible schools around the world with free Bible training resources. This process of equipping Christians lines up with the original goal of AIBI to develop a second, third and fourth generation of spiritual leaders who are equipped to reach out and develop other leaders (taken from their key verse - 2 Timothy 2:2).
In 2022, due to a variety of circumstances, AIBI began the process of dissolution. Although AIBI has ceased to exist as an organization, ministry continues through the ongoing teaching and outreach of the former staff and students around North America, as well as through the use of the resources now provided through Serve and Equip - Praise the Lord for what He has done and continues to do through each of these individuals and churches in the Los Angeles area and beyond.
Todos los recursos de capacitación bíblica de AIBI están disponibles de forma gratuita en la página Serve and Equip